Remember That While God Doesn’t Send Every Difficulty in Life, He Would Only Allow it to Strengthen Your Character and Resolve to Advance You. The Hardships Faced are Reason Still to Worship.

God is saying to you today, victory is here, leave defeat at the door.

If you keep putting God first, His blessings will chase you down. His favor will look for you.

Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to His GOODNESS.

The Lord is my strength.

If you don’t worship you will never experience the supernatural God.

THERE IS A POWER in WORSHIP. Worship is a LIFESTYLE, not an event you attend.

Haven’t you ever wondered why we worship God?

He has rescued my soul.

God is bigger than everything you are going through.

If you limit worshipping God to a place, the minute you leave that place you will leave your attitude OF WORSHIP! Turn to Jesus anywhere and just get into worship it will change your attitude and the environment you are in.

WORSHIP is an act of war against the enemy of our own thinking.

Be careful with your words. Once they’ve been said, they can be forgiven but are rarely forgotten.

When life is rough, worship.


Live Life With a Sense of Awe and Wonder. It is a Sublime Thing That Breath, Water, and Morsels Allow All to Live in this World. Understanding this Leads to Intimacy With God and that is Worship


To be Contented and Grateful is the Pinnacle of Worship, for in This You Accept His Miracles as Blessings Bestowed and are Humbled by Your Opportunity Pay Homage.