It Does Not Take Great Wealth to be Rich. It Takes Gratitude. Prayer is Measured in the Weight of the Heart, Not by the Length of the Long-Winded. Worship With Purpose.

How hard are you willing to work for a change that you are desperately struggling with?

Because you have refused to give up you are now unstoppable.

Do not let fear steal your journey of joyfulness. Worship your way through the mess.

You serve a God greater than any enemy you face.

When you worship God, you are humbling everything about yourself and EXALTING everything about God.

When you enter your day or issues with worship to God, He enters your circumstances with supernatural power. God delivers you in such a way that only undignified worship will do!

“David, dressed in a linen priestly vest, danced with all his strength before the Lord.” - 2 Samuel 16:14

”And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in honor.” - 2 Samuel 6:22

I have an ENDLESS HALLELUJAH to the King. He has paid the price for all broken dreams. One day we will be before His Throne of Glory, until then I will WORSHIP you, Lord.

If you are BOLD enough to ASK for it then you will be BLESSED to receive it.

You are marked and sealed by the Holy Spirit.

Grace is free. Love is priceless. Sin is expensive. God is good all of the time. When you are in a dark place, WORSHIP!

Keep calm and WORSHIP in SPIRIT and IN TRUTH.


The Power in Worship is the Deluge of Faith. God is Not Interested in the Performance of Idle Prayer. It’s the Overwhelming Devotion that Guides Your Life and Cements Intimacy with God.


Live Life With a Sense of Awe and Wonder. It is a Sublime Thing That Breath, Water, and Morsels Allow All to Live in this World. Understanding this Leads to Intimacy With God and that is Worship