Life May Transform by Chance, but Will Only Improve With Change. Revel in the Day God Has Made and Alter Your Conduct to Follow His Path to Bliss.

There is not one thing we can do to change this year, but everything we do can change our future.

“You are here to be light, to bring out the God-colors in this world.” - Matthew 5:14.

God has showed you that He made you strong this year. But NEXT YEAR He is going to make you happy.

“His Grace is sufficient for you, and POWER is perfected in our weaknesses.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Joyfulness is happy. Trust God.

Declare: “I Am God’s Masterpiece.” - Ephesians 2:10.

The past is in your head, the future is in His Hands.

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. I will look to the future because that is where I am going to spend the rest of my life.

Pray until all the chains fall off. Don’t be dragging that stuff into your NEW SEASON.

Declare: “I am a person written by God. I am loved beyond measure.” - Ephesians 3:29.

“Only fear God. Smile at your future.” - Proverbs 31:25.

Your past year is no match for the future God has in store for you.

What has broke you is also building you. “God is within you, you will not fail.” - Psalm 46:5.

Your identity is not in others opinions. Your identity is in your SAVIOR.


A Simple Habit Can Either Make You Evolve or Diminish. Surmount the Detrimental Ones and You’ll Find the Change You Crave.


Acknowledge That Good Things Come to Those That Wait, But Outstanding Things Come to Those Who Endeavor and Put in the Resolve.