A Simple Habit Can Either Make You Evolve or Diminish. Surmount the Detrimental Ones and You’ll Find the Change You Crave.

Changing your mindset is never easy, but we’ve done this and it is time for us to try again with a little more discipline.

Ways to change your mindset: Start with a morning and night routine. Start the day seeking the Lord first thing.

Listen to faith filled messages during the day. Read faith filled messages and the Word for a set amount of time everyday.

Tidying up your space daily.

Make your bed when you first wake up.

Stay teachable.

Do a grateful journal.

Get into listening to wellness podcasts.


Romanticize your daily life and workouts.

Worship on Sundays with a rest and reset plan.

MINDSET is your attitude. God is not looking for flawless, He is looking for faithful.

“The wise are patient and they will be honored if they ignore insults.” - Proverbs 19:11.

Shoutout to Noah for teaching us that if God tells you to build, even if those around you want to talk and don’t understand, still build the plan for change.

Remembering Noah’s Arc.


There Are No Small Roles in the History of the World. Even When You Feel Infinitesimal, Remember You Were Made For Times Such as These.


Life May Transform by Chance, but Will Only Improve With Change. Revel in the Day God Has Made and Alter Your Conduct to Follow His Path to Bliss.