Acknowledge That Good Things Come to Those That Wait, But Outstanding Things Come to Those Who Endeavor and Put in the Resolve.

Declare this: “God is canceling every curse spoken against me.”

The devil just cannot curse what God has blessed. No one can break you because you know who is standing beside you, and that is God.

You cannot ignore the signs you have prayed for the Lord to show you. All that you have right now is by the grace of God, not by your own strength.

“Consider carefully how you listen.” - Luke 8:18.

PRAYER is always a start of a miracle. I so believe this. I owe God everything. God’s got your back.

“Seek peace and pursue it.” - Psalm 34:14.

Rather than complain: pray.

Your competition is your own potential.

Declare: “My next chapter is going to be amazing. I am putting all my trust in the only One who can ‘make it happen’.”

Don’t ignore, your next 3 months will be filled with of blessings, and good news, because of your daily habits.

Declare: “I will do the work.”

Have you noticed how peaceful your life has been not allowing certain things in your life? Sometimes a cut off isn’t personal, it’s SPIRITUAL.

Worry is a tool of the enemy to take the mind off of God’s power.


Life May Transform by Chance, but Will Only Improve With Change. Revel in the Day God Has Made and Alter Your Conduct to Follow His Path to Bliss.


It is the Sum of Your Parts That Compose You, But the Strength of Your Character and the Obstacles You Overcome that Define You