Find Yourself a Sanctum in Love. Someone Whose Energy Genuinely Makes You Feel Safe and Supported, and Someone Who Acknowledges and Accepts You For All You Are. Reciprocate.

If you want a love that lasts, make sure God is in it.

See the worst and work it out.

A good marriage is not something you find, it is something you make, and you HAVE TO KEEP on making it.

Women need to be loved emotionally in order to love physically.

Men need to be loved physically in order to love emotionally.

No relationship is all sunshine. But two people can share the one umbrella and survive the storms TOGETHER.

It is not your job to be your spouse’s teacher, critic, parent, or judge. Be their loving partner, encourager and BEST Friend.

Want a bad marriage? Put yourself first.

Want a good marriage? Put your spouse first.

Want an amazing marriage? Put God first.

Don’t ever stop dating.

Make it your goal to build a marriage that feels like the safest place on earth.

When pride loses, Your marriage wins.

Couples who make it have decided their commitment to each other was more important than divorce.


An Investment Appreciates in Value Through Interest. Likewise, in Marriage, the Bigger the Investment, The Greater the Value. Stay the Course to Find Success in Marital Elation.


Take Heart That Your Spouse is Meant to be an Answer to Your Prayers. They Should be That Which Complements Your Soul and Satisfies the True Need. It Takes Commitment to Choose This Allowance.