An Investment Appreciates in Value Through Interest. Likewise, in Marriage, the Bigger the Investment, The Greater the Value. Stay the Course to Find Success in Marital Elation.

Marriage is not a contract or a commitment. It is a COVENANT with God.

I have seen the best of you and the worst of you.


No one is perfect.

In every relationship, please remember this: Pride Poisons. Humility Heals.

Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.

Being married is like having a best friend. Behave like the spouse you would want to come home too.

Fall in love with the process of becoming the best version of yourself.

No marriage will last a lifetime if left on the back burner.

Give your marriage your BEST INVESTMENT, not your leftovers.

Loving your SPOUSE deeply is your privilege, but it is also your God-Given Duty.

Boundaries in Jesus and the Word of God are the lock and key to every healthy relationship.

The goal in marriage is to think together, not alike.


Legitimate Love Must Adjust and Evolve With the Passing of Time. Life Doesn’t Stop, and Marriage Needs to be Nurtured Differently Along the Way to Keep it Alive. Devise New Ways of Expression.


Find Yourself a Sanctum in Love. Someone Whose Energy Genuinely Makes You Feel Safe and Supported, and Someone Who Acknowledges and Accepts You For All You Are. Reciprocate.