Legitimate Love Must Adjust and Evolve With the Passing of Time. Life Doesn’t Stop, and Marriage Needs to be Nurtured Differently Along the Way to Keep it Alive. Devise New Ways of Expression.

A good marriage requires time. It will also require effort.

You both have to do the work.

You have to cultivate it. You have to forgive and forget. You have to be absolutely loyal to one another.

“Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in LOVE” - Ephesians 4:2.

Protect your marriage.

Do not let outsiders destroy what took years for you to build.

Godly couples stay committed to Jesus and each other. PERIOD. As long as you are both willing to stop fighting against each other and start fighting for one another.

The next chapter of your story can begin.

Declare: “When I dwell on my spouse’s positives, I give love a chance to grow.”

God has a plan for “Your Love Story.”

In order to have a great marriage you need to be humble enough to ask yourself ‘what changes do I need to make?’.


Each Marriage Starts With a Vow Before God. It Becomes a Covenant That Reaches the Heart of God Through Love of Spouse and Family. Cherish the Fact that You are More than Two Halves of a Whole.


An Investment Appreciates in Value Through Interest. Likewise, in Marriage, the Bigger the Investment, The Greater the Value. Stay the Course to Find Success in Marital Elation.