Take Heart That Your Spouse is Meant to be an Answer to Your Prayers. They Should be That Which Complements Your Soul and Satisfies the True Need. It Takes Commitment to Choose This Allowance.

Nothing better than enjoying life with the same person you struggle with too.

Love NEVER says ‘I will forgive you with my words but not with my heart’.

Your mate should be your HAPPY PLACE.

No heart is too hard. No marriage is so broken that God can’t redeem it.

Give Him the daily mess and He will work a miracle.

Every healthy relationship is built on a foundation of trust, honesty, and genuine forgiveness.

A Christian man makes his wife feel like a Queen by simple, loving deeds, kind words, and sincere admiration.

WIFEHOOD: Being the kind of woman who brings health and wholeness to her marriage instead of expecting her marriage to bring health and wholeness to her.

Pay attention to your spouse more than to your phone. Your mate is your answer not your problem.

What are we waiting for?


Find Yourself a Sanctum in Love. Someone Whose Energy Genuinely Makes You Feel Safe and Supported, and Someone Who Acknowledges and Accepts You For All You Are. Reciprocate.


Marriage is a Puzzle Comprised of Multitudes of Moments: Some Wondrous and Others Trying. It Will Take Forever to Piece Them Together, Done One Day at a Time.