Choose: Give Clout to Obstacle or Resolution. By Not Pressing Forward Toward Your Objective, You Are Actively Bolstering Your Struggles.

If you crave peace, you must spend your time and space being productive, not distracted. Guard your focus like a ‘Million Dollar Suitcase’.

How easy is it to get distracted, because distractions are everywhere and come in various forms?

How would you treat that ‘suitcase’ that had your future life of events in it? You would protect it with all your power because you know it has and holds value. This also applies in pursuit of your dreams and goals.

Protect your focus in the same manner. Protect your mindset.

“Don’t live any longer the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect.” - Romans 12:2

You have to stop the events of daily drama that is preventing you from pursuing your spiritual maturity and God-Given goals for your purpose.

Sometimes it takes a good fall to know where you stand.

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.

You do not know enough about the unknown to fear it. Only you will get out of what you put into it.

What’s currently distracting you? Identify it and then ask yourself OUT LOUD if THAT distraction is worth risking your life in Christ.

DO NOT give power to the problem. Unpack the suitcase.


In Exercise: Write Down Everything You Did in One Day. In Action: Confess These Actions Through Prayer. How Much of Your Day Was Spent in Distraction? And How Much Closer Are You to His Plan?


Take a Moment to Consciously Sit in Awareness, For it is in This Deep Work That You Can Discern the Difference Between Distraction and God-Sent Inspiration.