Take a Moment to Consciously Sit in Awareness, For it is in This Deep Work That You Can Discern the Difference Between Distraction and God-Sent Inspiration.

One of the fastest ways out of distractions and disappointments is gratitude; just thank God in advance. To God be the Glory.

Heartbreak is one of the Devil’s favorite distractions. Don’t allow the Devil to distract you from your purpose.

A broken heart is the enemy’s way of getting you off track. Don’t fall for that trick.

Devil you are a liar; I am coming through every storm like a PRAYER WARRIOR.

Declare: “I am the head and not the tail; I am above only and not beneath.” - Deuteronomy 28:13.

The bitter heart eats its owner.

When Jesus hung out with sinners they changed. He did not. God’s truths are not bricks to throw at people. They are BREAD to feed people.

There is no human heart so deeply dark and shattered by sin that it’s beyond the healing and restoring power of God’s amazing grace.

Prayer is the master-weapon. We would be greatly wise if we used it more.

Don’t be a fan of those who don’t know you. Be a fan of Jesus who made you and died for you.

“Create in me a clean heart, oh God.” - Psalm 51:10.


Choose: Give Clout to Obstacle or Resolution. By Not Pressing Forward Toward Your Objective, You Are Actively Bolstering Your Struggles.


In Youth You Were Told “The Sky is the Limit”. And While Some May Only Reach the Stars, Through Dedicative Focus and Prayer, We Are Heaven Bound.