In Youth You Were Told “The Sky is the Limit”. And While Some May Only Reach the Stars, Through Dedicative Focus and Prayer, We Are Heaven Bound.


Do not allow your distractions to become so loud that you think God is silent.

You cannot logic your way through emotions.

Do not blame the distractions, pray about your focus.

FOCUSING is about saying ‘NO’. Those old situations will pop back up to test you. Don’t slip backwards.

God doesn’t do a background check to decide how he can use you.

I believe you can give up distractions and no longer accept this as an excuse.

In an era of DISTRACTIONS, nothing can feel more like a watchman than paying attention to the Word. Action is in the word of distraction.

Anything that distracts your destiny is an enemy.

This is a Winning Season.

Satan’s top four strategies of distraction are discouragement, discontentment, defection, and division.

You must spend time with people who lead you deeper into your life purpose. Not people who distract you from your life purpose.

DISTRACTIONS waste our God Given promises.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4.

Satan tries to limit your praying because your prayers will limit him.


Take a Moment to Consciously Sit in Awareness, For it is in This Deep Work That You Can Discern the Difference Between Distraction and God-Sent Inspiration.


True Intimacy is Being Able to Stand Before Another Raw and Bare, Exposing Your Truth, and Knowing You are Safe, as are They in Return. When You Find This, Uncover Solace in Knowing Your Hearts Align.