True Intimacy is Being Able to Stand Before Another Raw and Bare, Exposing Your Truth, and Knowing You are Safe, as are They in Return. When You Find This, Uncover Solace in Knowing Your Hearts Align.

Your marriage can be a place where you see God at work daily.

Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends for life.

A great marriage is worth fighting for.

Marriage has to be 100/100.

Safeguard your marriage.

Honor and respect your spouse by cutting all inappropriate friendships and intimate ties off.

Marriage is never about the wedding. It is about the years of growing together, and as individuals, not giving up on one another.

The highest happiness on Earth is the happiness of marriage.

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but by being the right mate.

“Love Always Protects” - 1 Corinthians 13:7.

Intimacy isn’t just sex. It’s communication, holding hands, listening, spending quality time together, and loving on each other.


In Youth You Were Told “The Sky is the Limit”. And While Some May Only Reach the Stars, Through Dedicative Focus and Prayer, We Are Heaven Bound.


Each Marriage Starts With a Vow Before God. It Becomes a Covenant That Reaches the Heart of God Through Love of Spouse and Family. Cherish the Fact that You are More than Two Halves of a Whole.