The Desire to Change is the Start. This is Motivation. Motivation is Born from Hope and Fuels the Fire of Transformation. But Where Motivation Sparks the Start, Self-Discipline Makes it Feasible

No one is in charge of your happiness except you. It is absolutely none of your business or concern what others think about you.

Making peace with my past was a superpower to stay refreshed and keep moving forward towards the goal of my calling.

It is not a good idea to let others write your script.

You were created on purpose so you get to define life from the Word of God.

One thing about God, when He sees you trying He will handle the rest.

Without self-discipline, a successful life is impossible.

Memo: I see you are focusing a little more on yourself, and worrying less about what everyone else thinks. That’s beautiful.

You must have the courage to be disliked.

A fresh start, allow yourself to shed the goals that no longer fit, to make room for new ones.

Declare: “A new era of me. I can and I will watch me. RESET!”

This is a gentle nudge to remind you that you’re capable of anything you put your mind too.

Ask the Holy Spirit daily for a fresh download from Heaven.


Life’s Journey is Yours Alone, and While You May Align Yourself with Likeminded Companions, Your Spiritual Pilgrimage and Vigor are Duties All Your Own.


Consider How You Treat Your Most Prized Earthly Possessions. Your Home, Your Car, Your Jewelry - Ultimately These are all Ephemeral and Mundane. Give Care to Your Soul for the Spirit is Sublime.