Consider How You Treat Your Most Prized Earthly Possessions. Your Home, Your Car, Your Jewelry - Ultimately These are all Ephemeral and Mundane. Give Care to Your Soul for the Spirit is Sublime.

Detoxing is necessary for your spiritual growth.

Disconnect to reconnect.

Look at your friends and you will see your future. Refresh your perspective, because there is no TIME for drama.

Radiate joy from the inside out. Rebuild your strength.

Deleting people from your life can be so refreshing and rewarding at the same time.

Simple reminder: Protect your spirit.

Sometimes a cut off isn’t personal: it’s spiritual maintenance.

Stay in the spirit. The enemy wants you to react in the flesh.

You owe some people your absence. It’s time to deliver on that. All of this was to activate the prayer warrior inside of you.

Some have showed you colors you have never seen in a crayon box. It’s a sign to reflect and refresh. Anytime there is confusion it is not God.

Life humbles you especially when you pay attention to how you feel in others presence.

Your Spirit is speaking. “God has you covered.” - Psalm 91:4.

You glow differently when Christ dwells in you.


The Desire to Change is the Start. This is Motivation. Motivation is Born from Hope and Fuels the Fire of Transformation. But Where Motivation Sparks the Start, Self-Discipline Makes it Feasible


Relinquish That Which Tethers You to Past Indiscretions. The Panacea of Renewal is Found Through the Journey of Enlightenment and Rebirth.