Life’s Journey is Yours Alone, and While You May Align Yourself with Likeminded Companions, Your Spiritual Pilgrimage and Vigor are Duties All Your Own.

In this new season you must train your mind to hear what God is whispering, not what you see the enemy doing or saying.

Remember Romans 12:2:

 Don’t live any longer the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect.”

To live solid in spiritual maturity in Christ is when you are not easily offended and you forgive and pray for your enemies.

Don’t be too busy begging God to change that situation, when God is busy trying to change you. You do know those negative feelings or thoughts will never give you a positive lifestyle.

The best apology is changed behavior. “Cling to what is good.” - Romans 12:9.

It’s a must not to drag back in that COMPLAINING spirit. It stops the flow of refreshing new things.

Just remember your side of the story doesn’t matter, you have healed, and learned.

Life is life and it has ups and downs.


The Same Energy Goes in to Wishing as it Would Into Planning. Likewise, Effort is Spent Equally in Striving as it Would be in Coveting What Others Have Earned.


The Desire to Change is the Start. This is Motivation. Motivation is Born from Hope and Fuels the Fire of Transformation. But Where Motivation Sparks the Start, Self-Discipline Makes it Feasible