Consider the Mighty Tree that Stays Rooted in Place. With Time it Grows, the World Around it Trying to Shape its Focus is its Own Lifecycle, Maintaining Idyllic Life by the Shedding of Dead Leaves.

Be selective in your battles; sometimes PEACE is better than being right. I pray for peace around all.


The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace.

Being humble is recognizing that we in this life see how much of a beautiful difference we can make in others’ lives.

No greater WEALTH on earth than peace of mind.

DECLARATIONS for INNER PEACE: “I will not worry about anything. I desire to live healthy. I will not think of the past. I forgive myself and others. I am at ease with myself. I am doing what I love. I will take the gentle approach. I will not control others. I will walk by faith and not by sight. Peace is my passion. Peace is inside of me.”

Peace over drama. Distance over disrespect.

Spiritual maturity is learning to walk away from any situation that threatens peace of mind.


‘Happily Ever After’ is a Product of Fairytales. But Through Embracing of Peace and God’s Will, You Are Granted Something Truly Invaluable: ‘Happily EVEN After’. Take Comfort in This.


While the World is, More Often than not, Tumultuous, it is the Nature of the Spirit to Seek Peace. Do not be Corrupted by Another’s Chaos.