‘Happily Ever After’ is a Product of Fairytales. But Through Embracing of Peace and God’s Will, You Are Granted Something Truly Invaluable: ‘Happily EVEN After’. Take Comfort in This.

You cannot force peace. It can only be achieved by an understanding of what not to do.


Choose peace and it is cheaper than therapy.

Declare: “I Am Peacefully Ever AFTER.”

If anything costs you your peace, then it is too expensive. Remember when you forgive, you will gain peace. Value your peace more than others’ opinions.

Declare: “Let there be PEACE on Earth, and let it begin with me.”

Your soul will know when it is time to shut that door, or close a chapter. Never allow ANYONE to dull your sparkle.

And then it happens… One day you wake up and you’re in that place where everything feels right. Your heart is happy. Your soul is clear. Your mindset is renewed. Your vision is 20/20. And you are at peace with where you are going.

You will put back all the pieces differently.

Declare: “I Am A New Me.”


The Strength of Society is in Differing Perspectives, Personalities, Ideas, and Ideals Coming Together for the Betterment of All. Disagreement Should Never Mean War, but Rather Open-Minded Discussion


Consider the Mighty Tree that Stays Rooted in Place. With Time it Grows, the World Around it Trying to Shape its Focus is its Own Lifecycle, Maintaining Idyllic Life by the Shedding of Dead Leaves.