While the World is, More Often than not, Tumultuous, it is the Nature of the Spirit to Seek Peace. Do not be Corrupted by Another’s Chaos.


No God, no peace. Know God, know peace. Peace comes from God.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” - 2 Corinthians 5:7.

Declare: “I really love peace and quiet.”

Learn this: that when you react it doesn’t change a thing, and it won’t make others respect you. Instead, work on yourself and your inner peace.

“Seek peace, and pursue it.” - Psalm 34:14.

Peace is not the absent of troubles, but it is the PRESENCE of God.

Never allow the behavior of others to destroy your peace. You are ENTIRELY up to you.

Did you know that inner peace is the NEW SUCCESS?

Do not let others disturb your peace while they are at WAR with THEMSELVES. Food for thought.

Learning to ignore toxic things is the greatest inner peace.


Consider the Mighty Tree that Stays Rooted in Place. With Time it Grows, the World Around it Trying to Shape its Focus is its Own Lifecycle, Maintaining Idyllic Life by the Shedding of Dead Leaves.


Choose to Respond to Trials with Joy Knowing that Hardship is Part of God’s Design to Ideally Shape You for the Purpose of His Design. There’s a Reason You Were Chosen to Bear this Burden.