Choose to Respond to Trials with Joy Knowing that Hardship is Part of God’s Design to Ideally Shape You for the Purpose of His Design. There’s a Reason You Were Chosen to Bear this Burden.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?” - Genesis 18:14.

We are not born for ourselves alone. Do not be rude, negative, superficial, isolated, or misinformed. Do not be arrogant.

Just be joyful, positive, and friendly. Set boundaries with yourself. Do not disrespect your own space.

Declare: “I prioritize and seek out JOY every day. I will not let disrespect interfere with my God-Given purpose.”


You can find joy in the simple things.

Be the CHANGE. Do not be helpless or hopeless or a follower.

FIND the Joy spot.

Be the good man. You are not a victim. You are a child of A MIGHTY God. Filled with JOY.

These are the things that will give you hope, help you cope with others, and to improve your life.

When joy is a HABIT, LOVE is the reflex.

“A joyful heart is good medicine.” - Proverbs 17:22.

Rooted in my faithfulness to God.


While the World is, More Often than not, Tumultuous, it is the Nature of the Spirit to Seek Peace. Do not be Corrupted by Another’s Chaos.


Let Go of Things Not Meant for You. Do Not Internalize The Opinions and Insecurities of Others. You’ll Never Need to Rely on Someone Else to Inspire Joy When You Find it Within Yourself.