Enact Serenity and Paradise Through Moments Given to God. He Will Not be Outmatched, and Will Give Back to You a Thousand-Fold.

Sleeping is so hard when you can’t stop overthinking.

Talk to God daily, that is what will make you lovely. Do not get lost in your own mind.

To heal you must stay away from what broke you.

Sometimes you need a break from your own thoughts. God disrupts your entire life just to TALK TO YOU.

Make time to read your Bible. Even if it is just one verse, you are feeding your faith.

A love that is rooted in God and His Strength is so worth it. Trust in Him.

Instead of living in upset and rough patches of life where you always feel jaded, I would rather have that untouchable Agape Love.

To all of you, your hard work does not go unnoticed; keep striving in strong love.

Prioritize your peace. Take advantage of every little moment you are given for Christ.

The best revenge is when you honestly do not care anymore. You just long to serve the King!


The Greatest Expression of Love is Forgiveness. Forgive, But Never Forget, For This is the Divinity of Man. Remember Without the Shedding of Blood There Can Be No Absolution.


In Your Devoted Faith, All Things Are Possible. With His Boundless Love, ‘Possible’ Becomes Probable.