The Greatest Expression of Love is Forgiveness. Forgive, But Never Forget, For This is the Divinity of Man. Remember Without the Shedding of Blood There Can Be No Absolution.

Your side of the story doesn’t matter.

Life happens. Life hurts. Life heals. Most importantly you grew up into a strong spiritual maturity for you and your family.

Your weapon of choice: Forgiveness with boundaries.

Put it all in God’s hands. Nothing has gone wrong. You have lost nothing. You now have rank in the Spirit.

Do not talk about anyone’s sin. Some things are better left unsaid. Stay humble allow God to fight these battles.

Addiction, abortion, alcoholism, self-hatred, suicidal thoughts: these are dead weeds to our soul.

We are forgiven!

Delare: “I will blossom because of Jesus Christ. I am protected by God’s favor.”

My next session is going to be incredible. Even though I may have sinned differently than you, I am highly blessed and favored by God, just like you.

Take that risk of faith, I believe it could be the one that changes your entire life.

Be a fighter. You have too much heart to quit.

Those bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.


Contrition Cannot Negate the Past, Nor Can Apprehension Change the Future. Be at Peace Concerning Yourself Only With Your Present Efforts Toward Bettering Circumstances


Enact Serenity and Paradise Through Moments Given to God. He Will Not be Outmatched, and Will Give Back to You a Thousand-Fold.