Contrition Cannot Negate the Past, Nor Can Apprehension Change the Future. Be at Peace Concerning Yourself Only With Your Present Efforts Toward Bettering Circumstances

If you are depressed you are living in the past. The Holy Spirit will never lead anyone to stay in depression.

How are you doing today?

Pain will make you pray, and that prayer will make you powerful.

Do not give up the PEACE God has given you on the inside. He is the PRINCE of PEACE. He is the Way-Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness, and My God: That is who You Are. And it’s that time of year to make it known.

We were never called to impress people. We were called to Glorify the King of Kings, the God of Gods, and the Lord of Lords.

Do not start this next season without Him.

He has a PLAN just for YOU. Don’t WORRY; PRAY!

Speak God’s Word.

Declare: “I have learned to be content and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy, regardless of my circumstances.” - Philippians 4:11.

Make that decision to pray instead of that worrying.

God says come as you are, not when you have it all together. Prince of Peace.


It is the Sum of Your Parts That Compose You, But the Strength of Your Character and the Obstacles You Overcome that Define You


The Greatest Expression of Love is Forgiveness. Forgive, But Never Forget, For This is the Divinity of Man. Remember Without the Shedding of Blood There Can Be No Absolution.