In Your Devoted Faith, All Things Are Possible. With His Boundless Love, ‘Possible’ Becomes Probable.

Do not curse. You speak in fluent Holy Spirit filled tongues.

A real person is going to respect you even when they are mad at you. Remember that.

If anyone tried to destroy you when they are mad, forgive them, pray for them, and then move on. A person unaffected by insults has made their enemies absolutely powerless. Be thankful for all those who tried to destroy you into the person you are today.

“You are loved beyond measure.” - Ephesians 3:19.

Love yourself enough to leave the table when respect is no longer being served.

Declare: “I pray that my family is happy and healthy.”

No pressure, no diamonds.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” - Proverbs 4:23.

It has been found 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over an 8 week period can change the brain to such an extent it can be measured on a brain scan.


Your future self is counting on you.

“All things are possible with God.” - Mark 10:27.


Enact Serenity and Paradise Through Moments Given to God. He Will Not be Outmatched, and Will Give Back to You a Thousand-Fold.


Whether You are Affluent or Destitute, There is Nothing You Can Gift More Precious Than Kindness