Be Limitless: It Is Pessimism That Constrains, and It Is Hope That Breaks Free

Don’t argue; it is just not worth your “spiritual maturity” time. When others hope for your downfall, you pray for them to get up on their feet. You’re not the same. Listen to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit who will reveal who others are, just listen. Let whoever think whatever, you keep training your brain. I don’t care what story others choose to believe, I know what and who I am in Jesus, and that settles it. I was raised by a strong woman; how others view me is between them and God. I am set free, and He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Your inner beauty comes only from the Holy Spirit. DON’T LIMIT GOD. Pray to remove mountains while you start carrying away the small stones. Stop sweating the small stuff. Minding My Own Business is my cornerstone to my victory in Christ. Declare: I release fear, and trust that everything is working for my good. Romans 8:28. Small person, BIG GOD! I pray that my family will love God more than they love me.


Give Back To the World That Which You Utilize. Plant Seed and Replenish the Resources of Blessings


Halt! View Life From All Angles, For Your Vantage Is Off If You Are Not Seeing the Wonder