Halt! View Life From All Angles, For Your Vantage Is Off If You Are Not Seeing the Wonder

FOCUS on the solution, not your situation, as you know that is a sneaky trick from darkness so you won’t believe that God is behind the scene WORKING IT ALL OUT for the good of those involved. Romans 8:28. LOOK and LOOK again at the solution and bathe it in the Word of God. Believing it is seeing it come to complete fruition. STOP doubting. STOP fearing. STOP worrying. STOP listening to negative toxic opinions. They are not from the promises of our mighty God. Just believe by faith in God. Holy Spirit, you are so welcome over all my situations. I give them all to you. I am delivered from doubt, worry, and fear. Your Words Are Powerful. Be Careful What You Speak. And so are your thoughts. Romans 12:2. Start your day with Worship & Praise to the only ONE that can do anything about everything. Jesus.


Be Limitless: It Is Pessimism That Constrains, and It Is Hope That Breaks Free


Your Perception of the World is Your Heart’s Intent Cast Back at You