Give Back To the World That Which You Utilize. Plant Seed and Replenish the Resources of Blessings

You were called to be salt and light, not the judge or the critic. Let others be who they are, and love them where they are in life. All the rest is Up To God. Be compassionate; there are already enough critics in this world. You be salt. You be light. Live your BEST LIFE. Walk in love and kindness. Sprinkle that wherever you go today.

Examine YOURSELF. Only work on yourself! And mind your own business. Work on you for you to see an evident change. Love yourself and be renewed by transformation of your mindset. Galatians 5:22 & 23. Get this into your mindset and live it. First fruit of the Spirit is LOVE and the LOVE of God. Do not struggle to LOVE yourself. Fathers love your children and mothers pray for your children. Forgive others who have come against you. Live an honorable life. Be love to others today. All the Glory goes to our Heavenly Father. Pray for the World to have peace and love. Today is the day that the Lord has made; let’s all rejoice and be glad. Life is a GIFT.


While Precious Jewels are Formed Under Pressure, They Only Shine When Buffed by Another. Their Value Grows When Set Adorned By Other Gems


Be Limitless: It Is Pessimism That Constrains, and It Is Hope That Breaks Free