In a Moment of Joy, Stop to Take Breath and Bottle that Within. You Will Need this Someday. Unleash that Stored Instant to Fuel Patience Before Succumbing to Anger. Save Yourself a Lifetime of Regret.

God will be your RESCUE STORY.


We each have a different God-Given Purpose, but we all have the same JOB: to help our world win. To pray is to let go and let God take over.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7.

Others will show their true colors unintentionally. PRAY ATTENTION. Understand others’ public criticism is only for their attention; don’t take it personally.

Relationships take both sides. Even the strongest feelings expire when ignored and are taken for granted. One minute of patience, can add ten years of peace.

I mind my own business, but I do pray attention.

Be led by the Holy Spirit, not your deadly emotions which are personal enemies.

PATIENCE is the ability to keep that beautiful attitude while waiting.

“God is all mercy and grace.” - Psalm 145:8.


Those Who Test Your Forbearance are, in Fact, Blessings. Being Able to Practice Patience with Said People Will Strengthen Your Resolve in the Most Trying of Times.


It Will Take Time for the Seeds you Sow to Bloom. Forbearance Can be a Bitter Endurance, but that Patience is Rewarded Sweetest When You Hold out for Fruition.