It Will Take Time for the Seeds you Sow to Bloom. Forbearance Can be a Bitter Endurance, but that Patience is Rewarded Sweetest When You Hold out for Fruition.

Quickly remove yourself from people who treat you like your time and your feelings do not matter.

“The goodness of God will lead us to repentance.” - Romans 2:4.

God wants spiritual fruits, not religious nuts. NO DRAMA.

You see silence can never be misquoted.

Your future is in the HANDS of God. Your weapons are prayer, praise, worship, the blood of Jesus, and His Word. Don’t put your weapons away just because your enemy smiled.

Speak with honesty kindly, with heartfelt sincerity; get rooted and act with integrity. This is FORBEARANCE.

STOP looking for validation from people who are not ever valid to the situation. Be wary of those who use gossiping as a way to bond.

Loyalty is the strongest glue which makes relationships last for a LIFETIME. Patience, endurance, and self-control.

Declare: “My SUPERPOWER is self-control.”


In a Moment of Joy, Stop to Take Breath and Bottle that Within. You Will Need this Someday. Unleash that Stored Instant to Fuel Patience Before Succumbing to Anger. Save Yourself a Lifetime of Regret.


The Old Adage Says ‘Good Things Come to Those Who Wait’, and While We All Were Gifted with the Ability to Wait, it Takes Wisdom and Refinement to Maintain a Good and God Attitude.