The Old Adage Says ‘Good Things Come to Those Who Wait’, and While We All Were Gifted with the Ability to Wait, it Takes Wisdom and Refinement to Maintain a Good and God Attitude.


“Forbearance is a fruit of the Spirit.” - Galatians 5:22.

It is defined as the quality of someone who is patient and able to deal with a difficult person or situation without becoming angry.

To produce fruit you must stay connected to the vine.

Forbearance is the concrete that keeps our relationships resilient and strong. This is a very meaningful sentence, so read it twice. We have no time to battle egos. Remember everyone is a saint when they talk about someone else’s short comings. You can’t crown a clown and expect a king.

Note: Some people will never like you because your spiritual maturity bothers their demons. Never be limited by the imagination of others.

“Take root and bear good fruit.” - Luke 6:44.

Ignoring is a very classy revenge.

He is just preparing you for what He has prepared you to do. Dig deeper in the Word.

The version of you that others have created is not your responsibility. Get set free In Jesus.


It Will Take Time for the Seeds you Sow to Bloom. Forbearance Can be a Bitter Endurance, but that Patience is Rewarded Sweetest When You Hold out for Fruition.


Keep Tranquility Within Amongst the Disarray, for a Fulfilled Soul is the Greatest Blessing this World can Offer. In this, Neither the Throw of Failure or the Rush of Success Will Deter Your Purpose.