Those Who Test Your Forbearance are, in Fact, Blessings. Being Able to Practice Patience with Said People Will Strengthen Your Resolve in the Most Trying of Times.

How powerful it is to stay SILENT when someone expects you to be enraged. This is the highest form of forbearance.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. Your mind will believe EVERYTHING you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it forgiveness. Feed it peace. Feed it truth. Feed it patience. Feed it God’s love.

Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.

Those who do not value loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal. Silence is always better than unnecessary drama. Just listen; you may learn something new.

Handle yourself with respect and mindfulness.

People with purpose invest in themselves, and have no time for drama.

Maybe the BIGGEST ADJUSTMENT that needs to be made in all of your relationships is your attitude.

Do not lose your senses waiting for others to come to theirs. Listen to your own voice and correct what needs to be corrected.

Too many listen to the noise of the world and others’ opinions.


When You Engross Yourself in That Which You Value About Yourself, You’ll Gain Self-Respect. Through This You’ll Cherish Time, Appreciating the Need for Forbearance and What is Worth Precious Moments.


In a Moment of Joy, Stop to Take Breath and Bottle that Within. You Will Need this Someday. Unleash that Stored Instant to Fuel Patience Before Succumbing to Anger. Save Yourself a Lifetime of Regret.