Be Careful What You Speak. You Are Only in Control of Your Words Until You Speak Them: Then You Become Bondservant.

Communication, respect, and trust are the most important aspects of all relationships and TEAMWORK.

Teamwork means never having to take all the mistakes yourself: we have support from our team.

In relationships, when our communication skills start to get sloppy, everything else follows.

You don’t build anything by yourself. You build up people and then people build all relationships.

We are all stronger together.

When we listen and share ideas and goals, we build relationships. This will determine our quality of life, everywhere.

RESPECT is the key; you cannot do it all by yourself.

Communication is the firm foundation of any successful project, marriage, business, church, or friendship.

Communication requires kindness, respect, love, and empathy.

Every disagreement is not an argument. It’s a call to step up your communication skills.

Before you SPEAK…THINK.


Ultimately Remind Yourself that Communication Is Not For The Benefit of the Sender or the Receiver. It is About the Message Sent Out into the World. Is It Better for the Words?


Oftentimes One Will Listen Only to Reply, Not to Comprehend. But Listening Must be More than Response of a Question Asked, but the Deeper Meaning as to Why the Question Needed to be Posed At All.