Oftentimes One Will Listen Only to Reply, Not to Comprehend. But Listening Must be More than Response of a Question Asked, but the Deeper Meaning as to Why the Question Needed to be Posed At All.

Note: There is a difference between choosing to listen and waiting for your turn to talk.

Weak people spread rumors. Foolish people believe them.

You cannot resolve one thing unless you are willing to treat other’s words as important as your own.

It is always better to speak with confidence and great respect.

Improve the quality of every part of communication skills.

Treat others the way you would desire to be treated.

Speak to others the way you want them to speak to you.

Respect is always earned.

Good speakers care about what is right, not who is right.

You can express your opinions without being rude.

If others do not see the value and beauty of communication, then I believe that person is not worth commenting or communicating with.

Communication is a two way street.

Happiness is a choice, as is healthy speech.


Be Careful What You Speak. You Are Only in Control of Your Words Until You Speak Them: Then You Become Bondservant.


Before You Rise to Anger, You Must Resort to Empathy. You Are Likely to Adjudge Someone a Fool If You Do Not Understand. Your Understanding is Likely Misunderstanding. Exchange Ideas for Wisdom’s Sake