In Order to Control Your Actions, You Must Master Your Thoughts. In the Mind is Where Action Begins and Motivation is Conceived.


“You either Bless or curse your day with the things you say!”

Discipline leads to better habits.

Better habits guide you to being more consistent.

Consistently leads to your spiritual maturity.

Motivation gets you going, discipline will keep you growing.

The undisciplined turn into slaves to their own deadly emotions, mood attitudes, and poor passions.

Day by Day, what you are choosing, what you are thinking, and what you are doing is WHO YOU ARE BECOMING.

Your success in ANYTHING is nothing more than a few simple daily practices and your daily habits.

Within discipline there is freedom.

Key note: You will not always be motivated, so you have to learn how to stay disciplined.


“You must be in control of your own mind,” - Romans 12:2, or your mind will control you not to be disciplined.

Discipline is the muscle that makes you stronger, train it.

I love privacy, self-love, and discipline.

Build up your personal responsibility. Discipline equals God’s Destiny.

NOW. Try again.


Make a Choice: You Can Have Either What You Want Now or What You Want Most. Not Both. This is the Root of Discipline.


Let Hunger and Physical Weakness Remind You In Your Fast That You Are Strong Through That Which the Lord Provides. Reinvigorate Your Humility and Devotion. Find Reward in Discipline.