Often the Goodness of Another is Harder to Realize Than Apparent Mistreatments. Good Deeds Fit Our Needs so Well They are Often Overlooked. Be Appreciative.

You were created to do great things.

Stop for a minute, breathe, and be thankful for how much you have grown spiritually.

LIFE IS A TEST. Stay loyal to your future, not your past.

“He who stated a good work in you will carry it to completion.” - Philippians 1:6.

PRESS ON! Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.

Living a good life is all in your state of mind. If you feel happy, you will be happy. If you feel blessed, you will have an amazing day.

I pray that you stay filled with the Holy Spirit. It is not where you live or what you have, it is the way you think and see everything. Yes, it is all up to you to see the goodness in all things.

Life is a meaningful dream to live on purpose. May your heart be filled with immense love and grace.

The whole reason God came to Earth was to die on the cross…to save us all. That’s GOODNESS.


Goodness Will Elicit a Responsive Stimuli in Others Instinctively. Likewise Negativity, Unfortunately, Will Do the Same. If Actions and Values are Infectious, Be Conscious of What You are Spreading.


Lead and Inspire Others to Goodness…To GREATNESS! Take on a Bit More Than Your Fair Share of the Blame and Relinquish Just a Bit of Well-Deserved Credit. Someone Else Needs the Win.