Goodness Will Elicit a Responsive Stimuli in Others Instinctively. Likewise Negativity, Unfortunately, Will Do the Same. If Actions and Values are Infectious, Be Conscious of What You are Spreading.

No BEAUTY shines brighter than a heart of goodness.

In a time of destruction, create something.

LIFE stays more meaningful when you understand the simple fact is that you will never live the same MOMENT twice.

Never regret one day in your life: Those good days gave you heartfelt happiness, bad days give you extraordinary experiences, the worst days bring you a lesson, and the best days give you sweet memories.

I have seen the goodness of God!

Do not allow other people’s permission to ruin your day. Never give up because of a bad day or toxic people.

The world needs more people like you; spread your amazingness far and wide.

Nothing is impossible. A little progress each day adds up to big results.

Another point: do not adapt to the energy in the room. Influence the energy in the places you go with your attitude and words.

Goodness is a beautiful language.

In the END we regret the chances we did not take.

Goodness is selfless desire to be generous to others. Don’t regret being nice to bad people. EVERYONE offers what is in their heart.


It’s More than Enough to be Good. You Don’t Have to Try to be Different. Honestly, Being Good and Kind is Different Enough.


Often the Goodness of Another is Harder to Realize Than Apparent Mistreatments. Good Deeds Fit Our Needs so Well They are Often Overlooked. Be Appreciative.