In the Sands of Regret, We Find Footprints—God’s and Our Own—Leading Us Towards the Shore of Forgiveness, Where Waves of Mercy Wash Away our Guilt.
Your biggest regret may be underestimating yourself.
God said, “I am restoring it as it never happened.”
You are built from your regrets. And this is God’s Plan.
Pray for those who are intentionally trying to hurt you and let God deal with them.
FORGIVE your younger self. BELIEVE in your current self. PRAY for your future self.
Connect with people who are likely to improve you.
Before you use God’s Word as a SWORD, use it first for a MIRROR. Do not allow anyone to take you back to what God brought you through.
There is VICTORY in the Name of Jesus.
Declare: “I am covered by the Blood of Jesus.”
You cannot sow gossip and reap GLORY.
Jesus wants to spend time with you.
A house is not a HOME without God IN IT.
Fasting is not about a diet of burning calories. It is about BURNING ego, pride, and sins. That all can lead to REGRETS.
Awesome God I magnify and glorify your HOLY NAME!
“My child all of your sins are forgiven. Love Jesus.”