Regret Echoes Through the Chambers of our Soul, Yet it is in These Echoes That We Discover the Resonance of Empathy, Connecting Us to the Heart of Humanity.
Rejection will never hurt as long as regret. Life is too short for regrets.
BE HUMBLE and never think you are better than anyone else. “For dust you are and into dust you shall return.”
Do not be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals. Sometimes you had to keep your good news to yourself. Everyone is not genuinely happy for you.
No one is perfect, that’s why pencils still have erasers.
If Christianity is boring to you, then you haven’t met Jesus yet. Satan used offended hearts, gossiping tongues, and judgmental minds to pull off his destructive plans. Do Not Allow him to use YOU.
God breaks chains of regret, not promises.
Regret will haunt you more than failure will. No one who ever gave THEIR BEST regretted it.
Your abortion grief does not make you a bad person. One of the hardest things a person will do is say goodbye to their unborn child that they created. Regret, shame, depression, and guilt, are all related to regret of abortion. The first person to recognize Jesus was an unborn child.
“And it came to pass, when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.” - Luke 1:41.
To the person whose eyes fill with tears when you walk past a baby aisle in a store, God sees you. It stops generations. It also leaves a mom hurt.
Regret stops one heart and breaks another. Love and forgive yourself of this regret.
An unplanned pregnancy, “SAVED US ALL”.
Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion. Risk is better than regret.