Every Man Has 24 Hours to His Day. While No One is Guaranteed a Defined Number of Days, We All Have the Same Time Each Day. How We Use it Sets Us Apart.


“There is a season [a time appointed] for EVERYTHING and for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.” - Ecclesiastics 3:1.

The Lord controls, and is in charge of, timing in your life and mine.

A Time for EVERY CHANGE that happens. God never changes.

TIME is free, but it is priceless. You can use it daily, but you will never own it. You can’t keep it either, but you can spend it. You will never get it back, once you use it. For lost time is never found again.


“God is within you, you will not fail.” - Psalm 46:5.

Don’t get stuck watching the clock; do what it does and keep moving.

Time will never be just right, don’t waste it and don’t wait. This time will never come again.

Remember, nothing is a waste of time if you learned something. Cherish this!

Time is precious. Don’t waste it trying to be someone else.

The secret of your future is hidden in your time of your daily routine.


Life is moving quickly; do not wait to do special things and celebrate daily the little things in life. That is true happiness and joy.

Invest in your daily time. Regretting wasted time is just more wasted time.

Seek God daily for He is the Creator of time.

One day at a TIME.


The Ultimate Choice is Deciding to Spend Time Either Standing Still in a Life Unfulfilled or Move Towards a Future Gratified.


Ultimately Remind Yourself that Communication Is Not For The Benefit of the Sender or the Receiver. It is About the Message Sent Out into the World. Is It Better for the Words?