Waging War For Your Faith Means Seeking God's Presence Daily Through Prayer And Worship, Drawing Strength From His Spirit. This Intimacy Empowers Us To Face Each Day.

You are LOVED.

“The enemy is DEFEATED. At The Name of Jesus, every knee will BOW.” - Philippians 2:10.

“God will stand with you and give your strength.” - 2 Timothy 4:17.

Declare: “God you are my safe place.”

“God will not abandon those who search for Him.” - Psalm 9:10.

They couldn’t believe YOU could change, however God had other plans.

Declare: “The BEST me exists when I am close to God!”

Walk in the WISDOM of the counsel of God if you are going to be any spiritual help to others.

When God takes the trash out of your life, do not go dumpster-diving.

What you are attracted to when you are broken may look differently when you heal.

The problem is that I hear what others are saying, but I also see what they are doing. Pray for Holy Spiritual Discernment.

Remember when the devil won? Neither do I.

IMPOSSIBLE is where God steps in and operates.

I have got the BEST FRIENDS in High Places: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.


The Greatest Courage Is Found In Trusting God's Plan, Even When The Path Is Uncertain. This Faith Leads Us To Step Out In Boldness, Knowing He Guides Every Step.


Standing Firm In Faith Involves Resisting The Lies Of The Enemy With The Truth Of Scripture. God's Word Equips Us With Spiritual Armor: His Truth Our Protection.