The Greatest Courage Is Found In Trusting God's Plan, Even When The Path Is Uncertain. This Faith Leads Us To Step Out In Boldness, Knowing He Guides Every Step.

The GREATEST Courage*

People fight over parking spaces more than they do for each other, then they bemoan the fact they cannot find true love.

The truth is everyone at one time may hurt you. You just have to kept your eyes on Jesus. He died for us so we can find His agape love.

Walk away from unnecessary arguments. There will always be people that seem angry and miserable looking for a conflict. WALK AWAY! The battle they are fighting is never with you; it is with THEMSELVES.

Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge. You will never change how others treat you or gossip about you. All you can change is how you respond.

When spiritual maturity fills you, you realize silence is way better than arguing.



True Courage Is Demonstrated In Standing Firm For One's Faith, Despite Opposition And Challenges. It Takes Great Strength To Proclaim The Truth Of The Gospel In A World That Often Resists.


Waging War For Your Faith Means Seeking God's Presence Daily Through Prayer And Worship, Drawing Strength From His Spirit. This Intimacy Empowers Us To Face Each Day.