Develop Your Sense of Self-Awareness. In This You Empower Yourself to Take Part in the Creation of Your Destiny Rather than Defaulting and Allowing Others to Shape it for You.

“LOVE your enemies. DO GOOD to those who hate you. SPEAK WELL of those who curse you.” - Luke 6:27-28.

Don’t forget you serve a big GOD.

Don’t let bad days trick you into thinking you have a bad life.

The trials and tricks of the enemy are for awakening and awareness of what can be done. It’s a real eye-opener because of the way others handle situations.

PUSH harder than yesterday. Do not get discouraged. God sees everything. Ask the Lord to transform you.

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, no matter what.” - Jeremiah 17:7.

The longer you entertain what’s not for you, the longer you postpone what is.

If you want to see a true treasure of a man, watch how he treats his employees, not his equals.

If others have tried to destroy you with distractions of lies, take it as a loan, it will go back to them with interest.

What you think about yourself is EVERYTHING!

Sit back and pray.


In Regards to Making Decision, as in Most Things, the Most Arduous Undertaking is Simply Choosing to Act. The Rest is Grit to Move Forward and Acceptance of Consequence.


A Child Learns to Crawl Before Walking, And Rides a Bike With Training Wheels Before Mastering Poise. A Man Will Hike a Forest Before Climbing a Mountain. Success is Made in Milestones, Not Sprints.