In Regards to Making Decision, as in Most Things, the Most Arduous Undertaking is Simply Choosing to Act. The Rest is Grit to Move Forward and Acceptance of Consequence.


Indecision is a decision. Making that hard decision is your FIRST STEP toward a better life.

Pray before you leap out. The Holy Spirit is ready and waiting for you to seek His Will over your life to get set up for GROWTH.

When your values become crystal clear to you, making those moves becomes easier.

Someone is out there, holding their breath, waiting for you to fail.

Between right decisions and good decisions, there may be fear and confusion.

Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind.

“Don’t live any longer the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect.” - Romans 12:2.

Every single accomplishment that you have made has started with a good decision.

Declare: “I am a product of my own circumstances. I am also a product of my own actions based on my decisions.”

What we fear the most is usually what we need to do. Fear is not from the Lord.

Decisions are the hardest to make especially when it is a choice between where you are and where you should be.


The Wrong Decision, Similar to a Lie, Will Weave Intricate Trappings Like a Web That May Take a Lifetime to Escape or Unravel. Do Not Become Entangled.


Develop Your Sense of Self-Awareness. In This You Empower Yourself to Take Part in the Creation of Your Destiny Rather than Defaulting and Allowing Others to Shape it for You.