Worship is a Natural Reaction to the Wonders of Creation. It is the Overt Response When You Realize Your Role in the Grand Design, However Seemingly Small, Was Carefully Orchestrated by His Love.

Worry traps you. Worship sets you free.

“Set a guard over my mouth.” - Psalm 141:3.

Lord, empty me of me so that I can be FILLED WITH YOU!


During your worship, God captures your heart; when He has it, that’s where the real work begins.

Lift up your heart in WORSHIP. This is a treasured moment and we can live this anytime, anywhere.

I pray that all bondage breaks in Jesus’ name. I pray that you spend extra time in worship to see the goodness of God. Just as in the days of Noah they took no note.

“Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is Jesus, the King of the Jews. Two rebels were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left. Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads.” Matthew 27:37-39

Encouraged yourself in the Lord. And examine yourself before you speak your heart.

MADE TO WORSHIP: Psalm 95:1.

Worship is exalting God for who He is. Praising is thanking God for what He has done.

Be a worshipper not a worrier.

Worship is my response to God’s love for me. Worship is a condition of your heart. Worship will get you through the roughest times in your life. It definitely shifts your focus from self to the problem solver.

There is NO REASON for not worshipping God!


Altruism Isn’t an Act of Compassion, as in this World We Each Have Struggles, but Rather an Act of Love.


The Power in Worship is the Deluge of Faith. God is Not Interested in the Performance of Idle Prayer. It’s the Overwhelming Devotion that Guides Your Life and Cements Intimacy with God.