Altruism Isn’t an Act of Compassion, as in this World We Each Have Struggles, but Rather an Act of Love.


Note: Your Blessings are not tied to anyone’s opinions of you!

Sometimes God holds you back temporarily until your path is safe and clear.

CHARITY begins at home.

No one has ever lived a poor life by giving away what is important.

The more you share the more you have.

For it is in the heartfelt giving that you will receive.

THE ACT Of GIVING will transform your whole life.

It’s wonderful to be blessed. It is BETTER to be a BLESSING.

Begin at home, but it should not stop there. You will be richly rewarded.

If you can’t help a hundred people, then just help One.

For our community to be whole and heathy, it must be based on people’s love and concern for one another.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13.

Let all that you do be done with LOVE.


Nothing and No One is Insignificant. We are All Empowered to Relieve Another of Their Hardships. Any Act of Compassion, No Matter How Small it May Seem to You, Can be Priceless to Someone in Need.


Worship is a Natural Reaction to the Wonders of Creation. It is the Overt Response When You Realize Your Role in the Grand Design, However Seemingly Small, Was Carefully Orchestrated by His Love.