Understand that Time Can Not be Rewound, and Even if it Feels As Such, It Cannot Stand Still. It Is Important to Reset to Match Life’s Pace to the Flow of Time Passing.

Take time to make your soul happy: your mind, your will, and your emotions.

Wake up every single day with a new opportunity to start again. Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.

A clock only turns in ONE DIRECTION.

Time never comes back again.

Sometimes you just know it’s TIME, and it is non-refundable.

Rock-bottom has built more heroes than the privileged.

Nothing in this life has been a waste of time if you have used the experience wisely.

Time has its very own way of revealing the truth. Be patient and stay grateful and you will see all of the answers to both sides of the story. Because every timetable tells a story.

Time, like love, is the wisest of all things, for it will bring everything to light.

The bad news: TIME FLIES. The good news: you’re THE PILOT with God on your side.

Declare: “I am more than ready for my next chapter in my God-Given Purpose.”


Life is an Anthology of Vignettes Spread Across the Vast Canvas of Time. Each Moment Offers Crucial Detail in the Retelling of Your Life. How Will Your Story be Told?


The Ultimate Choice is Deciding to Spend Time Either Standing Still in a Life Unfulfilled or Move Towards a Future Gratified.