Life is an Anthology of Vignettes Spread Across the Vast Canvas of Time. Each Moment Offers Crucial Detail in the Retelling of Your Life. How Will Your Story be Told?

The positive mind that you have worked on finds the opportunity in all of your situations. The negative mind that you didn’t work on will find fault in everything.

The most precious gift you can give yourself is the gift of time to work on yourself daily.

The best use of time is stepping back to identify your best use of time. Stop wasting your time on bad situations.

Growth means choosing happiness over history.

When you stopped venting and started praying you found your strength in Christ Jesus. This is a powerful one, remember that.

Your future comes ‘One Day At A Time’.

Time wasters: Anger, Regrets, Worries, Grudges, and Other’s Opinions. Life is too short to be unhappy.

Today is a gift of new time.

When you stop to look at the clock or your watch, remind yourself not to take any time for granted. Strength grows in moments.

Ordinary people think simply of spending time, while Extraordinary people think of how they will use it.

If we all realize our responsibility before God for our life, we will understand how valuable time is for us.

I will praise God anywhere. He is so worthy of all of our praise.


For the Sun to Rise, First it Must Set. This is How the World is Renewed Through the Power of Time. It is Imperative to Leave Behind That Which Holds You Back from Moving Forward.


Understand that Time Can Not be Rewound, and Even if it Feels As Such, It Cannot Stand Still. It Is Important to Reset to Match Life’s Pace to the Flow of Time Passing.