Comprehend That Everyone Perceives the World Differently. It is the Wisdom in This Forbearing that Breeds Empathy and Through This Communication May Thrive.

*Communication Skills*

Develop Extraordinary Communication Skills.

Good Communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity. If you don’t know the whole story, shut up!

Do your job.

It’s not what you speak, it’s how you speak it. There is power in your words.

Tiny habits make lasting changes.

There is nothing stronger than being a positive leader or family member.

Communicate with ease. Start with God first!

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” - Proverbs 15:1.

Listen actively. Speak clearly.

Understand and relate to others perspectives.

Use nonverbal cues to reinforce your message.

Request feedback to communication skills.

Speak to the point. Use simple language and avoid jargon.

Practice to build confidence.

Be adaptable and adjust.

Develop emotional intelligence skills to build strong relationships in difficult situations.

This is a power to understanding people. Communication is the key.


Begin By Listening, Savor the Context and the Intent, Let the Truth in the Statements Distill and Ferment. Then Respond. Often the Problem in Conversation are the Perceived Words Never Actually Spoken


Miracles Often Masquerade as Routine Happenings, Sometimes Even Tragedies. A Bad Marriage Can Still Birth a Wonderful Child. A Poor Job May Inspire a Dream Career. Take Nothing for Granted in Life