Facing Giants Requires The Full Armor Of God. His Truth, Righteousness, And Faith Protect Us In Every Battle. Equip Yourself With His Armor And Stand Victorious.

For God has not given you the SPIRIT of FEAR, but one of power and of LOVE and a SOUND MIND.

Stop finger-pointing and blame-shifting which is a form of fear. It is not the Holy Spirit.

SUCCESS is always the result in following the lead of the Holy Spirit. The devil had the plot but God has the perfect plan.

You won’t get forgiven at church. You get forgiven at THE CROSS.

The devil is a liar, please remember that. This most important, powerful, decision you can make is accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. Just look around.

In the name of Jesus, demons must flee. When the Lord is leading you, there is no reason for you to be afraid. Get rid of that GIANT of fear. It must flee in Jesus’ name.

Giants must fall!


With Jesus By Our Side, We Can Face Any Giant Without Fear. His Love Casts Out All Fear And Empowers Us To Conquer. Walk Boldly In His Love And Face Your Giants Head-On.


Our Weaknesses Become Strengths When We Rely On God’s Power. His Grace Is Sufficient To Overcome Any Giant. Embrace Your Weakness And Let His Strength Shine Through.