With Jesus By Our Side, We Can Face Any Giant Without Fear. His Love Casts Out All Fear And Empowers Us To Conquer. Walk Boldly In His Love And Face Your Giants Head-On.

“God knew you before He formed you in your Mother’s womb. You were born and then He set you apart!” - Jeremiah 1:5.

Worrying is assuming that God doesn’t know what He is doing. The Lord is greater than the giants you face.

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” -1 John 4:4.

Do not open your mouth in anger or when you are tempted to flatter the wicked. With God we can face our giants. Face your Goliath. People who refuse to argue deserve respect.

“Any fool can start an argument.” - Proverbs 20:3.

WHAT YOU ALLOW is what will continue.

You have got to stop telling bad spirits your good news. A jealous demon can appear as a supportive angel.

“A false witness will not go unpunished, nor will a liar escape.” - Proverbs 19:5.

Do not nurse hate in your heart for any reason.


Facing Giants Requires The Full Armor Of God. His Truth, Righteousness, And Faith Protect Us In Every Battle. Equip Yourself With His Armor And Stand Victorious.